Abstract submission




Call for abstracts extended

to July 2nd




Young researchers are asked to submit an abstract presenting their current research projects and results for one of the topics of the workshop:

- Lutetium-177, from production to patient,

- Alternatives a or B emitters for radiotherapy,

- Role of nanovectors in imaging and radiotherapies,

- Targeting the tumour and its microenvironment.

Abstracts will be selected on scientific quality and pertinence. Abstracts not relevant to this workshop will be rejected. The scientific committee will review all submitted abstracts and will determine which abstract will be presented orally.


Abstract must be in English and contains a maximum of about 300 words.

Please download the abstract template here
2024 Abstract template.doc
Microsoft Word Document 896.5 KB

In order to submit your abstract, please send it by e-mail to francoise.leost@univ-nantes.fr

with your registration form. The form is available on the registration page.


30 travel grant awards are available for young researchers (PhD students and post-docs).

Each award consists of complimentary registration to the workshop, accommodation and meals, and contribution to travel expenses (up to 250 €).

Candidates must submit an abstract and must be selected as speaker in one of the scientific sessions.

Winners will be notified by July 5th, 2024.